Irving Primary Care

5 Benefits of Getting the COVID-19 Vaccine

If you have already gotten the COVID-19 vaccine – great job! However, if you are still unsure whether the vaccine is suitable for you or are feeling anxious about getting it, we\’re here to help!

This article will bust the myths you\’ve heard by discussing the benefits of the COVID-19 vaccine. Yes, these vaccines were developed in a short time, but this does not mean that they\’re unsafe or ineffective. Millions of dollars of research led to the development of these vaccines, and are saving lives globally today.

1. The Vaccine Reduces Risk of Infection.

After you receive the first shot of the COVID-19 vaccine, your body starts developing antibodies to the virus. These antibodies strengthen your immune system to fight against the virus if you are exposed to it. This reduces your chances of getting the disease.

Yes, you can still get infected after being vaccinated and can still catch the virus, but after a large part of the population gets vaccinated, your chances of getting infected will reduce even further, thanks to the concept of “herd immunity” – a form of indirect protection from an infectious disease that occurs when a significant percentage of the population has become immune to the infection.

2. The Vaccine Defends Against Severe Illness.

One of the most significant benefits of getting the COVID-19 vaccine is that it protects against illness, so you are highly unlikely to become severely ill even if you become infected after getting vaccinated. As reported by the CDC, the clinical trials for Moderna, Pfizer-BioNTech and Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen vaccines showed that they were 94.1%, 95% and 66.3% effective, respectively, in preventing the COVID-19 infection in those who had received two doses and had no evidence of being previously infected.

The vaccines are also effective against the new virus variants that are now circulating worldwide, such as the Delta variant. Much like the original strand of the virus, all three authorized vaccines in the U.S. will protect you against severe illness even if you catch the new variant.

3. The Sooner We All Get Vaccinated, the Sooner Life Can Get Back to Normal.

The COVID-19 vaccine is a major step in getting back to the standard way of life. The COVID-19 guidelines (physical distancing, wearing a mask, frequent hand-washing, etc.) that the CDC implemented to slow the spread of the virus have proven to work.

Studies suggest that vaccinated people that get infected store fewer virus particles in their mouth and nose. Hence, unlike the unvaccinated people, they are not as likely to spread these particles to others. The CDC still recommends wearing masks indoors and following all COVID-19 guidelines in areas with high infection rates.

4. It’s Safer To Socialize If You’re Vaccinated.

In April 2021, the CDC issued a statement saying that \”small gatherings in a home or a private setting with other fully vaccinated people” are safe for fully vaccinated individuals. If you are fully vaccinated, it is safe for you to gather with other vaccinated people in small groups without wearing a face mask. However, indoor medium and large gatherings are still not recommended because not everyone in the country is fully vaccinated yet.

5. It’s Easier and Safer to Travel If You Get the COVID-19 Vaccine.

Among the many incredible benefits of getting the COVID-19 vaccine is that fully vaccinated people can travel domestically and internationally to specific destinations without quarantining. Most countries have stringent rules regarding unvaccinated people entering and spreading the disease risk, so if you are planning to travel, get your COVID-19 vaccine doses as soon as possible.

Consult a Healthcare Provider at

If you are still confused about getting the COVID-19 vaccine or are unsure if you should get it because of your medical condition, can help! Our healthcare providers can help you understand the COVID-19 vaccine benefits. Call us at (469)262-5762 to book your appointment or visit our website for more details.


2 thoughts on “5 Benefits of Getting the COVID-19 Vaccine”

  1. As a fellow introvert, I totally relate to your experiences. It’s comforting to know I’m not the only one who prefers a cozy night in with a good book over a crowded party. Cheers to embracing our inner hermits!

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