Irving Primary Care

Back Pain Treatment In Irving, TX Primary Care Providers use advanced diagnostic and treatment techniques to provide long-term relief from back pain In Irving, TX. Schedule your consultation today. 

Back Pain Q & A

Learn more about back pain, it causes, and how it can be treated.

Back pain can be caused by an array of issues, including musculoskeletal injuries from car accidents, slip-and-fall accidents, sports or other incidents, strain from repetitive or overuse injuries, or underlying medical problems like kidney infections or tumors.

Spine diseases and conditions like arthritis, herniated discs, bone spurs or spinal stenosis can also cause back pain.

Lifestyle and physical issues like poor posture, standing or sitting for long periods of time, being overweight and using poor ergonomics at work or when using computers can also cause acute and chronic back pain.

Diagnosis begins with a physical examination to determine the specific location or origin of painful symptoms. A review of physical activities and a medical history are also important.

Often, diagnostic imaging like x-rays or MRIs will be ordered to provide more in-depth data and to get a close look at the spine. If an underlying disease like a kidney infection is suspected, blood work also may be prescribed.

Sciatica is one of the most common types of back pain, occurring when a disc in the lower back slips out of its normal alignment between the spine bones (vertebrae) and presses against the sciatic nerve.

In addition to local pain and numbness in the lower back area, sciatica can also cause radiating pain, numbness and tingling in the buttocks and legs.

Treatment for back pain can vary depending on the underlying cause of symptoms. Often, back pain caused by musculoskeletal issues like muscles strains or disc problems can be treated with rest, gentle stretching or physical therapy to relieve pain and restore motion, and medications to relieve pain and reduce inflammation.

Sometimes, injections of medication into the area around the spine can be useful in decreasing inflammation and pain to enable the area to heal and to make physical therapy more effective.

Lifestyle changes like improving posture or using a more supportive mattress or desk chair can also help, as can losing excess weight and being more physically active.