Irving Primary Care

Making Rash Decisions


kin irritations, or rashes are perhaps one of the most common causes for infants, and toddlers to visit their doctors.

A skin rash or reaction can be indicative of a multitude of things. While a majority of skin rashes in small children are completely harmless, mostly resulting from various skin allergies; there are others that are caused due to a variety of different reasons that require proper clinical examination, investigation and necessary treatment. Some of the common skin rashes or conditions include:


Uritcaria or hives are a skin reaction that is triggered with the release of histamine as the body’s immune response. Large red, itchy welts on almost all surfaces of the body characterize hives, one of the most common rash found in young children. Hives are an allergic reaction that can be caused by any number of things which include insect stings and bites, blood transfusions, numerous food ingredients, medications, pollen, plants, or as a result of a viral infection such as the common cold.

Chicken Pox

A viral illness commonly prevalent in children under the age of 10, chicken pox consists of large red blister-like spots filled with clear fluid that are spread all over the body. The spots eventually form scabs and then drop off over the course of a few days. At the moment, there is no known cure for chicken pox, however, a family physician might prescribe a course of treatment to alleviate the uncomfortable symptoms.


Atopic dermatitis or eczema frequently occurs in young children. The obvious symptoms of eczema include dry irritated patches of skin that commonly appear on the inside of the elbows, at the back of the knees, the junction of the neck, on the ankles, and even on the wrists. When scratched or infected, the dry patches turn weepy and ooze clear or slightly yellow colored fluid from small, raised bumps along the skin surface.

Eczema is often genetic, but it may also be caused as a result of food allergies or due to certain environmental factors. It is commonly associated with allergic rhinitis, hay fever, and asthma.

Most of the common childhood skin rashes present similar physical symptoms and thus are difficult to differentiate and diagnose based solely on their appearance. As such, it is important that the entire medical and clinical history of the child be taken into consideration for an accurate course of treatment. 

Well versed in the art of allergy testing, provides complete primary care services. If your child has an undiagnosed skin condition, that presents any of the common signs and symptoms, set up an appointment for a consultation with Dr. Parikh for an expert opinion. Call 469-262-5762 or visit for more information.