Irving Primary Care

Finish the Year Off Strong – Get Your Annual Physical and Meet Your Health Goals 

You are in great health, feel wonderful, and have never had a serious medical problem or been diagnosed with chronic disease. So, do you actually need to schedule time for a yearly physical with your primary care physician? Without a doubt, the answer to this question is a resounding yes.

Adults of all ages, even men and women in excellent physical shape and with no serious health issues, can benefit from routine physical examinations, just like kids and teenagers. In light of this, here are a few reasons why every adult should consider getting an annual physical exam:

It Helps Build a Good Relationship with Your Physician

Having one-on-one time with your doctor while you\’re not sick gives you an ideal chance to connect, build rapport and trust, and discuss your personal healthcare preferences with your primary care physician. This is why an annual physical examination is also known as a wellness visit.

The healthcare system in America is intricate. Patients require a qualified guide, like tourists visiting other countries, to make the most of their journey. So, knowing your primary care physician is a phone call away when you suffer from a health emergency can help you avoid serious repercussions.

It Helps You Learn About Chronic Disease Risk

In the United States, two out of every five persons have several chronic diseases, and three out of every five adults live with a chronic condition. Indeed, the primary causes of mortality and disability for both men and women are chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, renal disease, and lung issues.

That said, an annual physical gives your doctor the opportunity to:

  • Give you specific guidelines for reducing or managing your risk
  • Talk about lifestyle choices that increase your risk of illness
  • Analyze any changes in your health since your last test
  • Examine current risk factors for developing chronic conditions

Ultimately, an annual physical examination with your primary care physician is one of the best preventive measures you can take when it comes to preventing a chronic, avoidable illness like diabetes or heart disease.

It Helps You Keep Up with Critical Preventive Screenings

One thing you need to keep in mind when it comes to safeguarding and maintaining your long-term health: An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of treatment. Your annual physical is intended to meet you exactly where you are in terms of health because it is the cornerstone of preventative care. During an annual physical exam, your consultation will be tailored to your unique needs and according to your current health, medical history, and lifestyle.

Furthermore, it may be time for your next fasting blood test that examines your cholesterol and triglyceride levels or a blood lipid profile. After all, even adults receive routine vaccines like an annual flu shot, the shingles vaccine, or a tetanus booster shot every ten years. Ultimately, an annual physical lets you keep up with your screening, allowing you to know if there are better preventative measures you can take to avoid the onset of serious illnesses.

Wrapping Up

There have been numerous cases when an annual physical examination has saved lives. After all, to take control of one\’s health, preventative healthcare is more important than ever. At the end of the day, people can learn more about the state of their body, any anomalies or risk factors, and how to take steps to avoid serious health problems.

For more information about annual physical examinations, contact Health Once Family Medicine by calling (469)262-5762 or visiting

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