Irving Primary Care

Does Alcohol Cause Weight Gain?

When you’re trying to lose weight, the first thing you are told is to start controlling your diet. However, diet does not just include what you eat but also what you drink. While alcohol might be your favorite pastime on your own or with friends, you must cut it down if you’re trying to lose weight.

There is a significant link between alcohol consumption and weight gain. This blog will take a deeper look into this connection and what considerations you need to keep in mind.

How Alcohol Affects Weight

When you drink excessive amounts of alcohol, it can lead to various health problems. Weight gain may simply be one of them. Here are some of the most significant ways alcohol affects your weight:

Alcohol Consists of ‘Empty’ Calories

It is known that alcohol consists of tons of calories, but its nutrient content is scarce. This is especially true for drinks that have been mixed with sodas, fruit juices, and more. Not only is the calorie content higher, but the nutrient content in them is lower. Hence, these empty calories may end up contributing to your weight gain.

It Can Affect Your Organs

Alcohol is dangerous not just because it can hinder weight loss but also because it negatively affects your organs. Alcohol can be quite dangerous and damaging for your liver, which is why food is not properly converted to energy. When this does not happen, weight gain is eventual, and weight loss becomes challenging.

Alcohol Leads to Buildup of Excess Belly Fat

Ever heard of the term beer belly?

This is not just a myth; it actually happens to people who drink excessive alcohol. These drinks contain calories and sugar that all build up in our body, particularly the belly area.

Alcohol Affects Food Consumption Habits

Alcohol is known for impacting your decision-making negatively since it lowers inhibitions. Hence, even the most die-hard diet followers can fall off the wagon and make poor food consumption habits when under the influence. The result? Inability to lose weight and excessive weight gain.

Alcohol Negatively Impacts Your Sleep

A nightcap before bed may sound like a recipe for a goodnight. However, it is anything but. Alcohol actually leads to periods of wakefulness while sleeping, which means that sleep deprivation can hinder your sleep.

Digestion and Nutrient Intake is Negatively Affected through Alcohol

Lastly, but most importantly, the most significant reason why you might experience weight gain from alcohol is that it inhibits proper digestive function. Since it leads to stress on the liver, intestines, and stomach, the body might not be able to absorb all the nutrients from the body.

Final Words

There is no harm in drinking a limited amount of alcohol, especially during social gatherings. However, it is important for individuals to limit their consumption of beer and wine, especially those with a high calorie and sugar content.

If you need more expert advice, get in touch with Our primary care physicians can help you with weight loss and can answer any queries you might have. For more information, visit or call us at (469) 262-5762.

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