Irving Primary Care

Can You Be Diabetic and Not Know? 5 Signs of Diabetes You Shouldn\’t Ignore

Diabetes is a disease in which your body doesn\’t make enough insulin (a hormone) or cannot use the insulin it produces. The insulin hormone helps sugar enter cells so our body can use it as energy. Without insulin, too much sugar collects in your blood.

In its early stages, diabetes does not show many symptoms. However, the good news is that if you catch this disease early, you may have some time to adopt healthy lifestyle habits and reverse your condition.

This article discusses the early warning signs of diabetes that you need to be on the lookout for. If you experience any of these signs, please visit a doctor for a blood test right away.

Knowing the Warning Signs of Diabetes

The only way to tell for sure if you have diabetes is to visit a doctor and get your blood sugar levels checked. It is not possible to determine if you have diabetes without a blood test, especially for prediabetes or Type 2 diabetes because they rarely show any symptoms right away. However, there are a few common warning signs for both type 1 and type 2 diabetes:

1. Fatigue and Hunger

Your body converts the food that you eat into glucose. Your cells then use insulin to take in glucose for energy. If your body does not produce enough (or any) insulin, or if your cells resist the insulin your body produces, they will not be able to absorb glucose. As a result, you will have little or no energy. Little to no energy can make you feel more tired and hungrier than usual.

2. Peeing/Feeling Thirsty More Often

The average person pees four to seven times a day, but people with diabetes may find the need to pee a lot more. Our bodies normally reabsorb glucose as it passes through the kidneys, but if you have diabetes, your blood sugar level may increase. Your kidneys may not be able to bring the glucose back in. When this happens, your body will use fluids to produce more urine. You\’ll have to go to the bathroom more often, and sometimes you might pee out too. Since you’re peeing so much, you might also get very thirsty, and when you consume more water, you will also pee more. It’s a never-ending cycle.

3. Dry Mouth

Since the body uses fluids to make pee, there\’s not much moisture available for other bodily functions. Diabetic patients often feel dehydrated, and their mouth feels dry. High glucose levels can also cause pain, infection, and other issues with your teeth, tongue, gums, and jaw. You might also experience a bad taste in your mouth, bad breath, or other mouth problems. These are all signs of diabetes that indicate that your blood sugar is too high.

4. Itchy Skin

If you’ve been dealing with itchy skin long before the first chill, the winter weather may not be the only cause of dryness. Along with never damage and poor blood circulation, high blood sugar caused by diabetes can make your skin extremely dry and itchy.

5. Blurred Vision

If you suddenly begin to notice fluctuations in your vision, diabetes might be the reason behind it. Frequent changes in sugar levels can lead to shifts and changes in your prescription. The greater the blood sugar level, the more myopic you are likely to be. High blood sugar can cause fluid leaks in the eye’s lens, swelling it up and changing its shape. As a result, your vision might be compromised or blurred.

Visit at the Earliest Signs

As soon as you spot the first signs of diabetes, make your way to the right away. Our team of licensed healthcare providers will study your symptoms and run tests to diagnose your condition.

To book an appointment with a healthcare provider at Health one Family Medicine, call us at (469)262-5762 today or visit our website for more information.

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