Irving Primary Care

4 Signs of a Silent Heart Attack

You probably expect someone with a heart attack to clutch their chest in pain, their eyes rolling back, and have trouble breathing. These are usually the signs of a heart attack. However, one does not experience a silent heart attack this way. It might not be this painful, and you likely don\’t even know if you are experiencing a heart attack.

However, a silent heart attack is just as dangerous and damaging. This article takes a deeper look into a silent heart attack and the signs and symptoms of its onset.

What is a Silent Heart Attack?

A silent heart attack is exactly like a regular one. It is caused by the constricted flow of blood and oxygen in the arteries that lead to the heart. As a result, the individual may experience a heart attack. A silent heart attack is not as painful and may even go unnoticed. This is why it is doubly dangerous than a regular heart attack. Since it goes unnoticed, it can lead to more damage.

It is essential that you look for silent heart attack symptoms and get yourself checked as soon as possible to get the best type of treatment for your case.

Signs and Symptoms of Silent Heart Attack

Luckily, you can prepare for a silent heart attack by looking out for these silent heart attack signs:

1.     Chest Discomfort, Pain, or Fullness

These can be extremely subtle signs of a silent heart attack. Fullness, discomfort, or slight pain in the chest may have an immediate onset and go away after a few minutes. Moreover, they can be similar to signs of heartburn, which is why it is difficult to ascertain whether it is a heart attack. Regardless, you should get yourself checked to rule out the risk of a heart attack.

2.     Cold Sweats and Nausea

Waking up in a cold sweat and feeling nauseated may point toward flu, but it could also be a symptom of a silent heart attack. You know your body better, so if you feel like this is a symptom of something more than flu, you should get yourself checked as soon as possible.

3.     Dizziness and Breathing Difficulty

If you are having trouble breathing and getting tired by doing mundane tasks that you could otherwise do easily, you might be having a silent heart attack. The shortness of breath could also lead to dizziness and even fainting.

4.     Discomfort in Other Areas of the Body

A heart attack does not just impact your heart. It can lead to discomfort in other parts of your body as well. These can include the neck, jaw, arms, and stomach. If you are experiencing such discomfort, don\’t ignore it.

Final Words

It is essential that you are well aware of silent heart attack symptoms and act on them. Don\’t ignore these signs and get yourself checked if you notice any of them as soon as possible. Feel free to get in touch with a provider from Health Once Family Medicine today by calling at (469)262-5762 or visiting to book an appointment.

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