Irving Primary Care

Preparing for fall allergies

Fall might be a favorite time of the year for many people, but this is not the case for people who suffer from seasonal allergies. For some people, allergies can come as early as late summer.

With just a few tweaks and care, you can have an allergy free fall and winter season. Many people get hay fever (without the fever usually) and it takes a toll on them –  symptoms include runny nose, itchiness, watery eyes, sneezing etc. During fall, the leaves, pollen, and dust mites carry all sorts of allergens with them. Here’s how to do early prevention:

  1. Start preparing early

Prevention is the best cure so don’t wait for those nasty symptoms to arrive. Start early by taking your allergy medications as soon as the pollen gets a little heavy. This way, your immune system is well prepared to attack any allergen that might come its way. Consult your primary care physician for proper dosage.

  1. Watch out for ragweed

The main allergy agent that causes most of these symptoms is ragweed. It is a type of weed that makes very fine and thin pollen that can’t be seen in the air easily. It causes people who are prone to allergies to get sick easily. It grows from August to November and is at its peak in mid-September. You might not be able to see it but take precaution when heading outdoors to areas that can have pollen such as parks. If going to such an area is inevitable, then reduce your visits or wear a mask.

  1. Have no moisture or dampness in the house

Mold and mildew can grow easily in a house that has dampness or extra moisture. Make sure that all your rooms and other areas of the house are properly cleaned. Rooms that are likely to get wet such as the bathroom, kitchen, garage or laundry area should be cleaned regularly.

  1. Close the windows

It is important to keep the windows closed at all times so that no pollen or dust can come inside. It is good to have some fresh air but during fall, it is better not to take any risk by allowing allergy inducing agents enter your home.

  1. Heading out

Just like you check the weather for the coming day, check the pollen level outside by seeing the forecast so you can prepare accordingly.

  1. Extreme measures

If you suffer from extreme allergies, then get yourself vaccinated. Stock up on all the medicines that can reduce your allergy symptoms such as lozenges, eye drops etc. Keep your lawn cleaned to ensure any fallen leaves are cleaned up.

Following the above steps can help protect you against the wrath of allergies and help you stay one step ahead. Consult your primary care physician for a thorough evaluation. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Parikh at, visit