Irving Primary Care

Finding Calm: Coping with Anxiety and Restoring Peace of Mind

Anxiety makes you feel as though you are not in control of your life or situation. It makes you fearful, apprehensive, and forgetful, and can even lead to suicidal thoughts. A panic attack brought on by anxiety can have serious physiological effects ranging from breathing difficulties to fainting spells.

These symptoms have one thing in common – they steal your peace of mind by forcing us to make predictions for our \’safety.\’ Fortunately, you can stop this defense mechanism by realizing nothing is certain. We always feel unsettled and anxious when we try to anchor our sense of well-being in a nonexistent future. True peace is knowing that we are not in control and can save ourselves.

Best Ways to Restore Peace of Mind

Calm coping mechanisms can help you regain control of your anxious thoughts:

Avoid ‘What Ifs’

If you constantly try to predict the future, you will constantly fall into a negative spiral you have little control over. If something is about to overwhelm you (like a presentation or speech), ask yourself:

● What can I control right now? No situation is completely hopeless. Even if it is small, focus on what you can control, and you will feel more confident.

● What is true? Focus on the facts so your imagination doesn’t take over by showing you catastrophic situations.

● Are you in the present? A panic attack may make you feel as if you are in a surreal situation. Keep your head focused on the present so you don’t start to phase out.

These tips can root your mind firmly in the present and help you regain control of your anxiety symptoms.

Connect with Loved Ones

No person is an island. While it is a cliché, it is also quite true. You can enjoy being the family\’s black. sheep for a while, but as you grow older and mature, you will feel their absence. You need people around you to keep you grounded in reality. Talk to someone you trust regularly or just hang with them. It will distract you from your anxiety.

Increase Your Activity Level

When you feel a panic attack coming on, start moving! Exercise can release endorphins, which will make you feel better. Ride a bike, join an aerobics class or a cycling group. Do anything that gets that blood pumping and distracts you from negative thoughts. You don\’t have to join a gym. Lift weights at home, play around with the kids, play football in your yard with the family, or play with your dog.

Spend Time with Yourself

We can be incredibly cruel to ourselves without realizing it. But self-isolation is not always a bad thing. If people are too overwhelming right now, spend time alone to reconnect with yourself. Sit with yourself so you can quieten your chaotic thoughts.

Don\’t be nervous about taking a solo vacation, and don\’t worry about what others will say. They aren\’t the ones struggling right now, and you deserve this healing experience. Naysayers have no business being in your circle and may be contributing to your anxiety. During your retreat, you may trim some people out of your life that are causing pain.

The overall experience will give you peace of mind, knowing you can solve your issues yourself.

Do a Kind Act Daily

It may be difficult at first, but daily acts of kindness can give your mood the boost it needs to snap out of an anxiety attack. You don’t have to go above and beyond to feel this. A kind comment on a Facebook post, a positive review for a seller, or a simple note telling your partner how much you appreciate them is enough. It will make you kinder, happier, and at peace with yourself. It will also help you realize that when someone hurts you, you will realize that they are in pain and not in control of their impulses.

Practice Gratitude

Negative thoughts block us from seeing the bigger picture, including things we should be grateful for. Anxiety makes us believe we are alone in the world and have only ourselves to rely on when the opposite may be true. Face these thoughts head-on with a gratitude journal.

List down all the things and people you are grateful for so you remain rooted in the present and not fixated on past experiences. It will remind you that you don\’t have much to complain about and will encourage you to internalize your blessings.

Write down five things you are grateful for before bed and when you wake up. Refer to it when you start to spiral to pull yourself together again.

Contact the Mental Health Experts at

Depression and anxiety can seriously affect your mental and physical health. If your issue is chronic, you need managed mental health care. You can find it at in Irving, TX. We offer patient-centric care for mental health disorders for all ages and can help you with symptom management. Book a consultation today!

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