Irving Primary Care

5 Worries For New Moms and Ways To Resolve It

When you\’re a new mom, you are faced with several challenges. While giving birth can be an extremely rewarding experience, it can simultaneously feel like everything is spiraling out of control. But that certainly does not have to be the case.

All mothers get worried, especially if it\’s their first child. More often than not, you can overcome them.

Common Worries of New Moms

As a new mother, everything seems unfamiliar, and you might feel lost and unsure of what to do. The following are some common and normal worries regarding babies and what actions you, as a new mom, can take to resolve them:

1.    Baby\’s Constant Crying

Newborns tend to cry quite a bit, especially during the initial months. Most of the time, this is normal because it is their way of communicating. Babies can be crying for several reasons, such as hunger, discomfort, lack of sleep, over or under-stimulation, or if they need their diapers changed.

It can sometimes be challenging for new mothers to decipher their baby\’s cries. All you need to do is give it time and learn your baby\’s cues. Their cries tend to be accompanied by other physical cues that can tell you more about their needs; for example, they can be rubbing their eyes, stretching, etc.

2.    Not Completing Milestones on Time

This is a concern that nearly every parent has. Most parents tend to compare their baby\’s progress with that of other babies. However, what\’s important to remember is that every baby is different and so are their developmental delays.

Of course, if you are concerned about these delays, such as when they are not cooing, crawling, or walking, you should encourage them to do so. Patience and encouragement usually help them reach these milestones. However, if you feel extremely worried, and if the delays are too prolonged, you can contact a pediatrician.

3.    Baby\’s Poop and Elimination Habits

Just as every baby is different, so are their elimination habits. Depending on the nutrition and milk intake, babies can poop up to five times a day. Similarly, the color of their poop can change as well. For example, initially, all babies\’ poops tend to be a dark color. Those on formula milk tend to have brown stools, while those who are breastfed have yellow-colored poop.

When your baby\’s poop is brown, yellow, or even green, it typically is not a cause for concern. However, if you notice that it is white, red, or black, then you should contact a health provider at the earliest. Similarly, if your baby poops too frequently or infrequently, you should let a doctor know.

4.    Whether the Baby is Getting Enough Nutrition

During the initial days, new mothers tend to get easily overwhelmed with the feeding habits of their babies. You might feel as if you are not feeding them enough or giving them too much milk.

Typically, babies need to be fed every two hours. If they keep wailing, then it might mean that they are hungry and need milk. So just listen to your baby and follow your instincts.

5.    Baby Not Burping

It is a common misconception to believe that babies need to be burped or winded after having milk and before putting them down for bed. Of course, they should have their backs rubbed to help them burp. However, if you have been walking them, rubbing their backs, and rocking them back and forth, and they are still not burping, that\’s fine. Some babies don\’t burp frequently or every time after their feed.

Visit for Help

Embracing motherhood is not easy, but it\’s not impossible either. Very soon, you will get the hang of it. However, if you notice something out of the ordinary, it is always good to contact a health provider to ease your worries. In that case, you can book an appointment with our trained team of health providers.

To make an appointment with a practitioner, visit or call (469)262-5762 today.

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